Do you find yourself struggling to come up with content ideas? You’re not alone. Many people find it challenging to come up with content topics that will be interesting for their audience and help them achieve their business goals. That’s where content pillars come in. I will share what content pillars are and how to brainstorm them. I’ll also give you a few tips on creating better content using your content pillars as a guide.

What are Content Pillars?

Content pillars are topics or ideas that you focus on as the foundation of your content strategy. They act as a guide for content creation and help you create relevant, engaging, and valuable content for your audience.

How to Brainstor


m Your Content Pillars

The content pillars should be based on your business goals, what your ideal clients are searching for, and what they’re interested in. To brainstorm content pillars, answer these three questions:

  1. What do my ideal clients need help with? (ex. how to lose weight)
  2. What is important to them? (ex. eating healthier)
  3. What are they curious about? (ex. the best way to work out)

Tips for Creating Better Content and Content Pillars:

Once you have your content pillars, create a content calendar that outlines what conte


nt you will make around each pillar and when it will be published.

Make sure all of your content is relevant to your audience and provides value.

Try using different formats (ex., blog posts, videos, infographics) to share your content because people want to consume differently. For example, some people in your audience will prefer written content, while others prefer video content such as Reels. Test it out and see what works best and if a variety makes the most sense for your audience.

Include keywords and phrases related to your content pillars in your content to help you rank higher on search engine results pages.

When creating content around your content pillars, make sure that each piece of content is linked back to at least one of them. This will help people understand your content pillars and why they’re essential.


Examples of Businesses With Successful Content Strategies

Laura Belgray of Talking Shrimp

Laura is a hugely successful copywriter focusing on email copywriting, but that’s a pretty broad topic, isn’t it? Some of her content pillars and main topics are:

  1. Being yourself as an entrepreneur
  2. Using the power of your voice
  3. Copy that sells
  4. Sharing your story

Her blog posts tie back to at least one of those topics, and sometimes 


more than one. 


Buffer is a popular social media management platform with a great content strategy around its content pillars. Their content pillars are:

  1. Creating great content
  2. Marketing with social media
  3. Saving time with your social media marketing
  4. Social media advertising and paid campaigns

Final Thoughts


Creating content pillars is a fantastic way to organize your content ideas and create better content for your audience. When you have a content strategy based on what your ideal clients are looking for, it becomes easier to come up with topics that will be of interest to them. And when you focus on creating content that provides value, you’re more likely to see results and build your community.



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