We all have experienced following up with a client after sending a proposal only to hear crickets for days or weeks after. However, the right kind of follow-up can easily close the deal, but first, I believe the process leading up to the call is just as important.

To prevent getting ghosted after your next discovery call, follow these simple tips:

Transparent Pricing: Do what you want, but I don’t believe in not listing my prices. Even if you don’t want to showcase every package you offer on your website, at least start with listing the minimum cost to work with you so prospective clients know!

Questionnaire: Have clients fill out a questionnaire before even meeting with you. This will allow you to learn a bit about the client before hopping on a 15-45 minute call!

When following up, practice these simple tips to guarantee a response every time:

Don’t be pushy: Obviously, you’re following up to sign on the client, but don’t give the client a hard deadline unless you’re in high demand, which is a good problem to have.

Follow up soon: Try to send your proposal to them within 24 hours of your call. Afterward, don’t wait a week or two before following up. Instead, try following up 2-3 days after sending the proposal to ask if the client has any questions you can answer.

You may need to contact them twice: Sometimes emails really do go to the SPAM folder, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t think to check it often. This could be the same with your client! Don’t hesitate to follow up two-three times before signing off the client. You’ll be surprised by how often this really happens.

Remember this is your business, so do what works for you! It could be reaching out once and that’s enough, or following up twice by email and social media. However, I hope the tips I shared helps!

What are your tips on following up with a client?

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