Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for a while, you should have an e-mail list. Do not just send a newsletter for the sake of meeting your weekly or monthly quotas. That isn’t effective. You want your newsletters opened, read, and converted in some way, whether that’s the readership of your blog or sales!

Consider these tips for creating and maintaining a successful e-mail newsletter:

  1. Research your audience and follow their lead. Ideally, all of your content should pique your audience’s interest. Research to ensure you know exactly who your target audience is. 
  2.  If you’re just starting, find a reliable e-mail marketing platform that can handle at least 1,000 subscribers.
  3.  Entice people to want to join your list. If you’re in retail, offer a coupon on their first purchase for joinging. If you’re a manifestation coach, offer a free printable of 30 empowering affirmations. 
  4. Speak from the heart. When you speak from the heart with passion, your audience will be able to identify that.
  5. Don’t give up; you may start with only a handful of subscribers. It will grow.
  6. Do not use technical jargon. Unless you are e-mailing other professionals in your industry, keep your language simple and easy to digest.
  7. Use attention grabbing subject lines.
  8. Learn from others – identify items you enjoy in newsletters you receive.
  9. Automate when possible. 
  10. Add visuals. Break up the content by adding appealing and relevant graphics. This is very important for long e-mails.
  11. Track results. You can only improve by knowing what your audience digest best. Track your conversion rates based on what content your audience egaged with more. 
  12. Quote experts and credible authors as additional resources.
  13. Feature new books or documentaries that relate to your subject.
  14. Use surveys and polls to increase engagement with your readers.
  15. Ensure your newsletter can easily be read by mobile. People are increasingly checking their emails via their phone. Make sure the theme and layout of your newsletter is capable for all smart phones.

Did I miss a tip? Share some of your favorite newsletter tips below!


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